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A 很多 of products tagged as "AI-powered" were doing exactly the same thing before AI. But labeling their familiar 功能s as "powered-by-AI" makes the same tech seem fresh and innovative.

又到了每年的这个时候. 在我写这篇文章的时候, 鸟狗在戏弄“X”, and Blackmagic Design has scheduled a livestream announcement just before NAB, where everyone will get to see what new gear they bring to market that surprises everyone. 佳能,索尼,罗斯,海视,罗得州都有 & 施瓦茨,西部数据等. 这样的例子不胜枚举.

流媒体设备不再是什么特别的东西了. 这是常见的. 现在所有的话题都围绕着人工智能功能. ai -这个,ai -那个,直到 人工智能的首席执行官. It really feels like when the industry moved from standard-definition to HDTV. 一切都是高清的——这个,高清的——那个. 我做了6年的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》专栏. Even household appliances were HD because they were, better, somehow. 现在我们有了人工智能洗衣机和人工智能微波炉, 之所以这么说,是因为这些设备可以“感知”要做什么.


它曾经被称为“if/then”编程. Like the basic thermostat in your house--if the temperature gives above 75, then turn on the AC. 也有 If This, Then That (IFTTT) devices that anyone can use to automate their home, their systems, etc. 机器学习是一种自动化的IFTTT, like the Nest home thermostat that learns the household routine and if nobody is home, 这样就不需要给房子降温了.

A 很多 of products touting "AI-powered" were doing exactly the same thing before AI. PTZ摄像机的运动跟踪 比人工智能早了十多年. 甚至可以跟踪一个人的运动跟踪, 在其他物体后面, even if they turn away from the camera were doing this long before "AI" made it possible. 但今天,我们有人工智能跟踪做同样的事情.

视频混频器可以自动切换, even follow the person speaking automatically--also predates AI by well over a decade. We used to call it Video Follow Audio: cut to video associated with the microphone that has the loudest audio. 但今天,这是一个“人工智能”功能. Because this labeling makes the same tech seem fresh and innovative.

How about the high-resolution camera with "AI" technologies that automatically track and dynamically resize the frame to include the person? 苹果称其为 舞台的中心 功能. 这是AI吗?? No. 这是预先编程:如果有一两个面孔, 如果周围有运动或与脸部相关, then resize the active crop to fill the frame with the subject(s). 如果,那么.

人工智能确实位于答案无法预先设定的地方. 不能预先编程. 在哪里不为人所知. Then it takes Intelligence to create a new answer, action, solution that was not intended. 无论是电脑还是人工生成的, 这是意料之外的答案, 这一结果推动了新一代的诞生. That's where AI really comes into play, and this truly does exist. 但人工智能比许多声称“人工智能”的解决方案要有限得多."

NAB是最大的广播公司之一 & 全世界的流媒体节目,这个周末开始. 我们会看到和听到 很多 about all sorts of products "integrating AI" to make things easier for producers. 如果你退后一步,看看市场, 然而, you'll see much of these touted solutions were around before the buzzword took hold, and the solutions themselves can often be reduced to if-then programming. 如果信号不存在,那么摆出这个图形,就不是人工智能.

用电脑跟踪足球 然后把一个秃头裁判的头当成了球, is not innovation; it was trying to save the cost of a real camera operator who would not have made that mistake. 这根本不是情报. 是if/then编程出了问题.

在NAB和其他地方,肯定会有很多创新. Just be sure to assess tools and solutions on what they can do for you, not on whether they have the letters "A" and "I" associated with it. The key is to determine where the innovation truly delivers value, 增加可用性, 减少工作量, 或者改进的交付成果. Then use your organic intelligence to make a decision based on those answers.

NDI runs the risk of fumbling the ball on the 20-yard line—squandering the nearly decade lead they have in IP video by not enforcing that licensees integrate all of the standard. I write this in the hope that they re-establish what the NDI standard means: that to license NDI, 并显示NDI徽章, 产品必须100%兼容.
If you're looking for a compact PTZ camera system for a small performance stage, 会议室, 播客表, 演示厨房, 教学课堂, or any number of setups where the cameras can be positioned close to the subjects, and you would really benefit from the ability to manually change the shot or leverage automatic tracking, OBSBOT Tail Air是根据您的需求定制的.
Mobeon的Mark Alamares, one of the streaming and virtual production industry's most innovative media companies, is stepping aside as CEO and handing the company's operational and strategic planning reins to Chingiss Tron, a virtual executive who may be the streaming industry's first AI CEO. In this interview with 流媒体 editor Steve Nathans-Kelly, Mark (who will stay on Mobeon's COO) explains what having an AI CEO is all about, and why he believes other media companies will see the strategic and operational benefits and follow Mobeon down this path in the years to come.