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紫溪在NAB 2024上展示了行业领先的技术,推动了广播公司的盈利

SDVP和紫溪协议效率提高14倍, 显著减少计算量, 带宽和出口成本的底线


紫溪, the industry leader for enabling cost-efficient and highly scalable live broadcast-quality video over any IP network or protocol and provider of the award-winning Software-Defined Video Platform (SDVP), 今天宣布下一代直播功能的展览 NAB 2024, W展位1401 从4月14日星期日开始th 一直持续到4月17日星期三th. 活动期间, 紫溪 will present a diverse range of compelling product updates and demonstrate unmatched live video delivery performance, 紫溪使能网络的可扩展性和性价比, 业界最大的IP视频直播生态系统.

In the current environment of organizational cost-cutting amid the push for global corporate profitability enabling organizations to achieve more with fewer resources, 紫溪将重点介绍其最新进展,包括:

  • 高性能网络, leveraging DPDK to achieve remarkable throughput efficiency improvements while utilizing only a fraction of processing power. This allows a 紫溪 Broadcaster to deliver 3x the amount of 紫溪 traffic versus previous versions and as a result the associated costs of compute is reduced by two-thirds.  Open-source alternatives require 3x  the compute and therefore 9x the compute/costs versus 紫溪 using High Performance networking


  • 基于实时网络条件优化IP视频直播的动态时延. 高价值的流媒体应用需要尽可能实时、超低延迟. 紫溪独有, 动态延迟根据网络条件自动找到可能的最低延迟, 哪里的流仍然可以可靠地传输, 并根据网络条件的变化调整延迟 


  • Error Concealment replaces video frames containing errors with skip frames while keeping audio in sync, 克服输入流上不可恢复的数据包丢失损坏视频帧的情况. Error Concealment improves the downstream decoding and playback of video streams for customers deploying IRDs when there has been upstream packet loss creating some errors in the video stream content


  • Timeline Normalization repairs timelines in the transport stream introduced by upstream encoding and processing, 帮助敏感的人及时发布报税表, 显著提高水流摄入. Timeline Normalization improves downstream decoding and playback of video streams for broadcasters when there has been upstream packet loss creating some errors in the video stream timelines or timelines are not clean due to the video ingested being legacy protocols



  • 紫溪电视台2023年100万场赛事直播需求, Smooth 生活 Midroll Insertion makes it possible to insert an advertisement or a fixed length slate or blackout directly into the live stream output, making it simple for the customer to insert ads or promos in the cloud into a live event video stream when they do not need the full capabilities of, 内在的复杂性, 生产切换/编辑或广告插入软件


  • 动态HTML覆盖将被展示, making the transition to the cloud seamless without the need for additional on-premises hardware for these processes. 动态HTML覆盖使得广播公司可以很容易地覆盖图形, 记分牌:记分牌或新闻告示牌, 在云中进行实时视频流传输时不需要完全的功能, 生产切换和编辑软件的成本或复杂性

紫溪在AI领域不断创新, ML and advanced analytics and will demonstrate the ability to track telemetry metadata across the life of the live stream journey even as video leaves and comes back to the SDVP.  Coupled with Intelligent Data Platform (IDP) capabilities including Auto Incidents utilizing Multi-Object-Correlation-Analysis (MOCA), this not only strengthens 紫溪’s ability to quickly perform root cause analysis (RCA) for the quick resolution of issues in minutes, but also to optimize workflows by replacing weak segments of the distribution with different networks or by replacing blind segments of the distribution with 紫溪 optimized delivery.

An exciting and diverse set of 紫溪 Enabled Network ecosystem partners will be demonstrating their 紫溪 integrated offerings in the Partner Village:

广告插入平台 will demonstrate 紫溪 integrated ad insertion solutions for broadcast and OTT environments including the patented DAIConnect SSAI platform that allows content providers various methods to monetize live channels.

包含 将展示提供云原生高性能的高空媒体连接, 灵活和可扩展的渠道聚合平台, 编码、包装内容和 播出 流媒体和OTT平台.

Red5 will be demonstrating how users can utilize WebRTC and its real time streaming platform to deliver content to millions in milliseconds leveraging the reach of global 紫溪 Enabled Network along with support from Videon Labs.

单数.生活 will be showcasing how it leverages 紫溪 to deliver broadcast quality graphic overlays with ultra-low latency. 该平台的高级功能集提供了一系列可能性, 使企业能够提高参与度并探索货币化途径, 特别是通过实现本地化和交互性. 


Videon 实验室将展示本地紫玺集成在Videon EdgeCaster EZ编码器, 为生产点设计的功能强大的贡献边缘编码设备, 通过ZEN Master对统一编排的支持,提供低延迟和成本效益, 管理与控制.

4月13日星期六th, 紫溪 will sponsor and participate in the 2024 Devoncroft Executive Summit with many customers and partners discussing their experiences with the SDVP. 请在这里注册Devoncroft高管峰会.

4月14日星期日th 子溪将主持两场思想领导活动, 首先是下午两点在Connect Zone科技聊天剧院, 高级架构师Ben Gaverick将介绍在实时IP视频工作流程中管理超低延迟, 讨论高效交付关键任务视频内容的必要性, 特别是在时间敏感的情况下,如体育广播. 下午三点在首都剧院, 紫溪将与紫溪的客户和合作伙伴举行座谈, 汇集行业主题专家,讨论基于云的趋势和挑战, 实时IP工作流.

“紫溪 will demonstrate groundbreaking developments in efficiency that enable our customers to realize a very healthy bottom line,戈登·布鲁克斯说, 执行主席兼首席执行官, 紫溪. “有许多大的节省领域, 包括出口和计算, 以及使用高级分析和机器学习来大幅降低RCA成本.”

欲了解更多详情及预约会议,请浏览 紫溪在NAB 2024




紫溪 provides the cloud based and on-premises Software-Defined Video Platform (SDVP®) that enables reliable broadcast-quality video delivery over any IP network, 任何协议, 任何云提供商和任何边缘设备. 该公司为广播公司提供技术, 企业, 顶级视频提供商, 体育联盟, 服务提供商, 世界各地的有线电视运营商和电信公司, 这使他们成为行业中TCO最低的公司.  紫溪的许多客户都在传送和管理数千个流媒体, 市场上没有其他替代品可以提供99.99.9%以上的大规模可靠性. 紫溪简化了在任何网络上构建和管理具有拥塞意识的实时视频路由, 支持跨任何操作环境的18种协议, 我们的产品旨在提供市场领先的性能, universal interoperability and an operational control plane that simplifies management and orchestration at scale. 拥有15年以上的创新和专业知识, the 紫溪 Enabled Network has grown to over 1000+ media customers and 400+ OEM and 服务提供商 that deliver 20,每天超过000个频道, 与110年,在120多个国家部署了超过000个实例, 每天收集超过90亿个数据点,同时提供超过100个,每年有5000场体育赛事现场直播. This powerful ecosystem of the largest media organizations in the world exchanging live video allows for the creation and acceleration of new content acquisition, 商业模式, 以及降低成本和创造收入的机会.