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Beyond the Binge: Making the Most of Post-Play Moments to Boost Engagement


Are you feeling bereft after a binge on the latest season of 陌生的东西? Lost without any more episodes of 欧比旺·肯诺比? Still missing season 3 of 男孩们? 也许你刚刚把漫威电影宇宙里的所有电影都看完了,却忘记了没有准备好看下一部电影的感觉?  

我们都有过沉迷于刷剧结束后留下的空虚感. 那么,为什么这么多流媒体服务错过了在这个关键时刻满足我们对新节目的需求的机会呢? 

Binge-watching is now a widespread phenomenon, and many streaming services encourage it with an “auto-play” feature. Within seconds of the credits rolling on the TV show you’re watching, 下一集将自动播放,除非你禁用该功能或按暂停键. They may even give you the chance to skip the opening credits!

自动玩法能够有效鼓励玩家的狂欢行为,并且很容易在章节内容中执行. 但有多少流媒体服务真正优化了没有明显续集的内容的播放后行为——比如一部独立电影或一部电视剧的最后一集? 

当消费者当前最喜欢的节目结束时,成功地填补他们生活中的空白,这不仅有利于提高参与度, it’s great for consumer satisfaction. And that’s essential to counteracting churn in the current market.

我们的经验表明,此时添加个性化推荐是提高转化率的绝佳方式. BBC对此表示赞同. 当我 interviewed former Director of Product for BBC iPlayer, Dan Taylor-Watt, 他告诉我,播放结束的那一刻是他们使用个性化的“最有效的领域之一”. 事实上, 他说:“在那个时候,从提供一般性建议的机会变成了提供具体建议的机会,” gave them some of the “biggest uplifts” they saw from their personalization program. 

Making all the right connections 

So how do you hit the right note with post-play recommendations? 我们通常会建议我们的客户使用与他们主页上的“更多的 Like This”和“因为你看了”类别相同的算法. In my last article about the psychology of recommendations 我注意到,通常应该对这些模型进行调整,使其更加强调元数据相关性,而不是像用户集群这样的技术. Of course that requires high-quality metadata matches, 这是一个充满困难的话题,在接下来的几周内,它将有一篇单独的文章. 

However, there are still important considerations around user behavior. 当我 wrote about striking the balance between automation and editorial curation, 我强调了如何使用算法来确保你不会浪费太多时间向已经看过剧集的人推荐最新一集. So why then, to take one of my earlier examples, does Disney+ recommend the series Ms. Marvel to me after I’ve watched the latest Marvel film, even though its data should clearly show I have already watched Ms. Marvel in the past few weeks? 我想知道这里是否有一个自动规则,在最新的MCU电影之后触发最新的MCU系列? But why not take user behavior into account too? 

Of course there can be value in recommending people rewatch an old favorite. 但也有可能你会浪费这个向他们介绍新事物的黄金机会. 我经常发现自己会把一部非常喜欢的电视剧看第三或第四遍,而不是把晚上的时间浪费在一个又一个类别的分类中寻找新的东西. 再一次,测试可以确认哪种方法最适合您的特定用户. 也许答案是让UX提供两种游戏后建议,从而最大化游戏空间. A streaming equivalent of the old rhyme: something old and something new? 

对自动播放”? 或者不要自动播放? 这就是问题所在!

说到UX, 我们经常与用户讨论的一个问题是,游戏后体验应该是什么样的? 我们的许多流媒体客户认为,在没有下一集的情况下,自动播放有点太侵入了. 他们选择提供一个或多个建议,消费者可以很容易地选择加入, but not to make the play decision for them. 我们合作过的一家领先的流媒体服务称其为“自动建议”而不是“自动播放”,正是出于这个原因. 

Conversely, other services fully embrace auto-play. 这可以归结为了解你的客户,并给他们提供符合他们需求的体验. 如果你确信你的客户想要找到好的内容,但也避免在漫长的一天辛苦工作后做太多的决策, then auto-play is a great solution, so long as you’re confident in the relevance of your content. 

在很多方面, 这样做的流媒体服务是在VOD场景中复制线性频道的体验. 就像在电视直播的世界里一样——尤其是24i非常熟悉的大屏幕观看的“悠闲”体验——许多消费者喜欢不用太频繁地触摸遥控器. From the service provider’s perspective, it’s possible that by the time the customer has found the remote or the pause button, they will have seen enough to be convinced the suggested show is worth watching. 

如果您想了解有关优化元数据以获得有效推荐的更多信息, you can wait for my next article coming next week, or you can download 24i’s e-guide: Five engagement-boosting strategies every streaming service should adopt right now.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 24i. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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