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了解更多关于CDN优先级在下 内容交付峰会.

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托马斯•箱: Big areas of focus right now: We're seeing security grow as will had mentioned security as big. 每个人都在看. 我们也在关注边缘增长, people wanting to run their own functions and drive down latency, 越来越接近边缘. That's what's pushing us, and we've been experimenting with that quite a bit. 从我记事起我们就有边缘函数了. We've just been controlling things like authentication and redirects, 做一些智能路由, 但我们一直在内部控制它, 将其暴露给我们的客户来运行函数, 引入Kubernetes, and looking at our edges as raw compute that people can use getting Docker set up. We've been getting more requests from customers to provide them the ability to know what's going with things like buffering.

当有人在我们的网络上播放视频时, 我们可以用自己的工具集来研究缓冲. 我们如何让顾客也能看到呢? 我提到过我们有自己的流媒体平台作为一种服务. Customers want to make a decision on which CDN is going to deliver content. 他们需要知道我们在哪里. I would say we're getting more closely integrated with our customers. We're getting into some of their toolsets and they're also asking more of us. And there is a push to be able to drive a bit of the architecture to run some new use cases. So we're being dynamic with our customers and blending roadmaps.

将法律: I'm going to start checking off a lot of the same boxes Thomas just ran through. And I think there's a bigger story, which is the homogeneity. If you listen to the prior panel, people want consistent APIs from CDNs to do the same operation. 所以cdn现在主要是在一个多cdn的世界里运作. 我们所做的一切, 风头中心的工作, 威瑞森有望做到, and other CDNs are expected to do because we're seen as being interoperable. 这有很多分支, a lot of opportunity for us to provide consistency and follow standards. 这对CDN来说也很困难. If you go out and innovate on something that only you do, who's going to buy it? Because the people who want it, they can't rely on you doing it. They've got three other CDNs they're also delivering through.

So we're seeing the same pressure around edge compute is definitely arising, the shift away from portals as the way you interact with the CDN and towards continuous integration, 不断向前发展. 开发者主导的环境. Nobody wants to go to the portal to view the chart of who viewed your traffic. You want real-time data logs coming out of your CDN and going to Splunk or Datadog, 哪些是你的高级分析引擎. So real-time visibility, and data and analytics are right up there. 此外,我还看到要求普遍收紧. 这曾经是一种最好的努力. 任何人都会机架一些HTTP服务器, 把引擎X放在那里, 在上面涂上清漆, 你有了你的CDN,现在, 如果你看看被子下面, 复杂程度正在急剧上升. And it's not simple Purge APIs or not, or push content, or CRUD-type operations on content.

有很多相互作用. 内容可能永远不会在一个地方. 你必须找到它. You have to discover it, and then you have to choose where to store it. And there's an awful lot of complexity going into that right now. 最重要的是协议. HTTP / 1.1 used to be what we delivered everything with almost 10 years ago. Now we've got H1, we've got H2, we've got H3 coming out as well. And the choice within those of which congestion protocol do we start using is an additional complexity. So the technical requirements of what a CDN has to do is to start performing in this very competitive realm has risen dramatically. 这就是客户来找我们的真正目的.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The new industry alliance sets out to bring industry competitors together to work on common challenges, as well as be the "voice" of the content delivery industry for the world. 该联盟于本周成立, and is open for new memberships for both individuals and organizations.


'Delivery' is one of the most commonly used words in our business? 但这到底是什么意思呢? If we think it's just about protocols and bytes, we're never going to catch up to traditional TV.


Touchstream CEO Brenton Ough stresses the importance of redundancy, 测试, 在提供大型直播活动时更是如此.


Velocix' Jim Brickmeier discusses virtual CDN options and advantages for live event streamers who have their own networks and for those who don't in this clip from 内容交付峰会.


Streaming Video Alliance Executive Director Jason Thibeault discusses what the Alliance sees as the most pressing challenges currently facing CDNs and how they are working to address them in this clip from his keynote at 内容交付峰会.


Streaming Video Alliance Executive Director Jason Thibeault explains what open caching is, 它是如何与cdn一起发挥作用的, and how it relates to CDN technologies in this clip from 内容交付峰会.


Limelight VP Steve Miller-Jones explains how CDN users' expectations are beyond the givens of efficient distribution to greater inter-operability and more in this clip from 内容交付峰会.


Globant技术总监, Media Practice Marlon Montgomery outlines his wishlist for improved standardization and innovative use of AI in content delivery in this clip from his presentation at 内容交付峰会.
